
489 zł
725 zł Cena regularna
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M-Audio - Open Melodics and became a master!


For 31.03.2018 buyers of  Keystation, CODE (Black) or Oxygen keyboards are able to download 5 free lessons for Melodics!


Melodics is an app that adapts to your abilities and musical tastes to help you get better at pad drumming, faster. It allows to improve your technique of keboard, pads and MIDI drums playing.

Pad drumming, or cue point drumming, has become an essential tool for DJs, producers, beat makers and musicians — in the studio and on stage. Melodics is an app that adapts to your abilities and musical tastes to help you get better at pad drumming, faster. Look at it as your own personal teacher, just as back in the day a little bit of piano skill was essential for playing keys in your tracks and conventional production, Melodics is moving with the times and focusing on how new producers build and create their beats and music using pads and grids.

And it’s not just all out learning as Melodics is also part game, as well as part beatmaking software. Making sure that there is always a fun element associated in getting your skills up to speed.

For 31.03.2018 buyers of  Keystation, CODE (Black) or Oxygen keyboards are able to download 5 free lessons for Melodics!


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